Genshai is an ancient word that means…
“Never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small – including yourself.”
Throughout the ages, humanity has experienced changes and shifts. How we choose to show up each day, however, is a matter of our awareness and choices. The word Genshai is a word that awakens us. It reminds us to check in with ourselves and do our best to right what is wrong within and do our best to impact the exterior forces that can seize us if we are not equipped to release their grip.
Living, Giving and Mastering Genshai is our possibility together and as individuals in a co-created world. The three elements of Genshai are—Giving, Living, and Mastering.
You begin with giving to yourself first because you cannot give what you do not have.
Next, you implement by living, meaning you embody the meaning of Genshai in your everyday interactions with others and with yourself.
Then, you practice mastering throughout each day, which leads to realizing your excellence. A master never stops learning and once we learn we want to give back which takes us to the beginning of the cycle.
When you are a Genshai Warrior…you are part of a powerful energy. It is one of kindness and of connection regardless of geography, culture, creed or history. This is the creation of Our World, the one we prefer to, can, and must live in. It’s our new frontier.